Flood Buckets for Disaster Relief -- Sept. 2024
Buckets filling the floor of trailer
Our disaster aid project this year was to supply flood buckets
and gift cards to assist families in flood cleanup.
Flood Buckets consist of:
- 1 five-gallon bucket with lid
- 1 jug bleach (81 oz. or smaller)
- 2 large trash bags (Contractor 3 mil)
- 1 roll paper towels
- 2 rags
- Comet or scouring cleanser
- Pine Sol or liquid cleaner
- Scrub brush
- Gloves, 1 pair each, size L preferred
- Rubber (reusable, i.e. Platex, dishwashing type)
- Leather
- cotton
Iowa Mission District provided 50 buckets and we obtained more from International Paper Company.
68 filled flood buckets and a number of gift cards were delivered to our Iowa disaster warehouse in Strawberry Point. .
Members posing for pictures by Dave's trailer that will take buckets to Strawberry Point.
We extend a special "Thank You" to Thrivent Financial for a donation of $250 toward this project.
Together we filled 68 flood buckets this year. We also have a few extra "Live Generously" T-shirts. Contact a church member if interested in getting one.
Personal Care Kits April 2019
Personal care kits consist of:
- One light weight bath towel (between 20" x 40" and 27" x 52") Dark color recommended.
- Two or Three bath-size bars of soap equaling 8 to 9 oz, any brand, in original wrapping
- One adult-size tooth brush in its orginal packaging.
- (Toothbrush multipacks may be used by sealing an individual brush in a business-size envelope.)
- One sturdy comb, remove packaging.
- One metal nail clipper (attached file optional) remove packaging
We extend a special "Thank You" to Thrivent Financial for a donation of $250 toward this project.
Together we made 186 kits this year. We also have a few extra "Live Generously" T-shirts contact a church member if interested in getting one.
Lutheran World Relief Build Kits of Care 2018
School kits consist of:
four spiral notebooks, one 12"/30cm ruler, one pencil sharpener, one pair of blund scissors, five unsharpened #2 pencils, five black or blue ballpoint pens, one box of 24 crayons, one 2.5" eraser, and one sturdy drawstring backpack-style cloth bag with shoulder straps,
Location, altar, general membership pictures
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