: Church Sunday services March, 2025.
March 30, Fourth Sunday in Lent -- 9:00 Service. First Reading: Joshua 5:9-12, Psalm 32, Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:16-21, Gospel: Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32
"Choices, Choices, Choices," is the sermon title for this coming Sunday. The sermon is based on Joshua 5:9-12.
Emphasis points:
1. When God spoke, Joshua listened and obeyed.
2. Israel remained faithful to God throughout Joshua's lifetime.
3. Like Joshua we are called to listen to God and obey God.
4. Make a fresh commitment to listen to God and follow Him wherever it leads.
In Bible class we look at session four in our Lenten study guide.
Be an Encourager.
Mid-week lenten worship is on Wednesday evening at 7:00pm at The Robins City Hall.
Further definitions of the Lenten season, it's symbols and terms are given
The mid-week sermons are based on the topic of Temptation.
Further explanation of the Lenten Mid-week sermon series is available
All mid-week Lenten offerings will be directed to Water Mission. More information can be found
Our Lenten Outreach project is gift cards that will help with Disaster assistance outreach efforts.
Our Mission Partner Congregations are Emmanuel Lutheran Church of Rochester Minnesota, First Grace Lutheran Church of Osage, Iowa and Word of Life Lutheran Church of Vale, North Carolina. We support them through prayer, visitation and financial gifts.
We have increased our support for the Android Nofi Girls School in Madagascar to seven scholarships in 2025.
We continue to support two evangelists. Remember these persons in your daily prayers.
The NALC now has a foundation to provide a harvest of perpetual support for it's mission and ministry. Click
here to learn more.
The NALC 20/20 outreach effort continues through 2025.
If anyone would like to contribute to this effort, there will be 20/20 envelopes available on the welcome table throughout this coming year.
Pastor Voss's Sermons are available on YouTube. Check them out by clicking here.
Servants of Christ Lutheran Church is a congregation of the North American Lutheran Church (NALC) serving the Cedar Rapids area.
Worship Services are held Sundays at 9:00 am at the Robins Community Center, 265 South Second Street.
Sunday School & Bible Study is at 10:15 am.
Join us!
Servants of Christ Lutheran Church uses a traditional liturgical worship format. Our church focuses on doing the basics well - Biblical preaching, teaching, service, Christian education - and equipping disciples for daily service for Jesus Christ.